Brooke Layout

March 26, 2012

Sunday with the Dillons

This has got to be comfortable, right?

(please ignore the giant stain on our garage sale couch)

J-dub and Opie joined the party

On an unrelated note, I've officially kept this Christmas cactus alive for over a year. In honor of this accomplishment I've bought a real pot to put it in. AND I threw away the plastic one it came in. This is a big deal.

There's a little bit of a Daphne-bomb in this one. She kept walking back and forth in the background of the picture. She couldn't figure out why I was hanging out by the door and NOT letting them in.

My giant fear is now that it will die because I've moved it. Usually me touching plants is a disastrous occurence. Let's hope this one survives my good intentions...

1 comment:

heart of stone said...

I love you plant!!! You have done an awesome job keeping it alive. My green thumb officially kicked in when I turned 27, so if it runs in the genes, I think this year will be your year of the plant!! :) lovelove the pics of the puppys and hubby :)