Brooke Layout

January 16, 2012

Baby Shower for Eleanor: Part 2

Watching the gifts being opened

The mom-to-be deep in baby related conversation

Opening gifts

After having brunch and opening gifts I wanted to have some sort of activity for everyone to participate in. Since I knew Amanda wouldn't enjoy the typically baby shower games, I decided that we would all decorate onesies! My vision is that Amanda will wake up in the middle of the night to a fussy baby who needs to be changed and when she reaches for a new outfit she is reminded of one of her friends who loves her. It also helps that some of the onesies will bring a big ol' smile to her face.

I made a few examples so that I could have something to show the girls and so that I could make very clear instructions.
Example 1

Example 2 Front
 Example 2 Back
I set up a few different stations around the house with instructions at each point hoping to curb some of the chaos. 

I had a table full of scissors, cookie cutters (to use as stencils), stamps, fabric markers, stencils, and paper. Let the mess and creative juices FLOW!

 There was a table with an iron, but that part wasn't interesting in a picture.

I was SO impressed with what these girls created! 
Here is a picture of all of the completed onesies together

Since they turned out SO cute, I have to share some close-ups!

A mermaid! Brilliant. 

This one looked store bought! (front)

 What's cuter than little designs on the patootie? (back)

 The mom-to-be hand drew this little elephant for Eleanor! (front)

With a little E on the back for added cute factor (back)
Eleanor already has LOTS of siblings, they just happen to be the four legged kind. I made this onesie with her animal loving daddy in mind. (front)

Can't resist a little booty bling! (back)

The shower was a huge success and everyone had a great time. It was definitely a labor of love and I really enjoyed putting my creative talents to work. Party planning/throwing happens to be one of my favorite things. I just LOVE seeing the honoree's reactions and hearing everyone's little comments about decor or treats. It makes all of the late night cutting and pasting worth it.

Plus... I can't wait to see little Eleanor in our couture creations!


Jay said...

These pictures look beautiful!
I'm so proud of all the hard work and dedication you put into the shower. I know that the other Amanda and the ladies all had a blast!
I love you so much and can't wait until we have a baby shower of our own.

heart of stone said...

only one word describes all these little creations...adorbs. and wonderful! ok, 2 words. SO IMPRESSED!! lovelove